Top » The team
The E-PROPS Company
195, Route de l'Aviation
ZI Aérodrome de Sisteron
04200 VAUMEILH - France

The best way to contact our team is by email:

The team : 53 employees

The E-PROPS company has been created in 2008 by 3 associates, aviation enthusiasts and pilots.

Today, the E-PROPS team is composed of 53 aeronautical engineers and technicians :
- 29 in the workshops
- 18 at design department
- 6 for commercial / management

The 3 founding partners

Managing Director - Technical Manager - Designer of E-PROPS propellers
Head of Research and Development Department
Recognized expert in aeronautical propellers' field Designer of the innovative propellers E-PROPS: calculation and design - development of the inhouse software LmPTR - prototypes, tests, validation, patents
Training : Aeronautical Maintenance Diploma
Pilot : flying models, ultralights 3-axis, paramotors
Fascinated by all aeronautics domains : propellers of course, but also aerodynamics, materials, computing, instrumentation, engines... His objective is to imagine and propose simple and effective solutions to improve the overall efficiency and reduce noise and consumption of light aircraft.

In charge of Marketing and Sales Department / Webmaster
Training : ESC Nice - CERAM SKEMA (French business school)
Previous jobs : Aviasud Engineering, EADS (Space Division), Hélices Halter, ACV Aéro Service
Pilot : planes, ultralights 3-axis and delta trikes, experience in glider and helico
Propellers test pilot

Christian VANDAMME
Until his (well-deserved!) retirement at the end of 2019, Christian was production manager and test pilot for E-Props propellers.
Training : ENSAM and ESTA (French aeronautics engineer schools)
Previous jobs : Quality Manager at EADS (Space Division), General Manager of ACV Aéro Service
Christian is the test pilot of the ELECTRA, the first electric aircraft in the world.
Pilot : planes, 3-axis

Fixed Props for engines 7-50 kW dia 45 to 63 inch
Adjustable Props for engines 50-168 kW dia 47 to 82 inch