The E-PROPS Company
195, Route de l'Aviation
ZI Aérodrome de Sisteron
04200 VAUMEILH - France

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E-PROPS : Fixed Pitch Propellers for engines 7-50 kW dia 45 to 63 inch


✗  Full carbon propellers, fixed pitch
✗  Ultra-light : 30 to 60 % less than other composite propellers on the market
✗  For engines from 7 to 50 kW
✗  Diameters : from 45 to 63 inch, each 2 inch   (115 cm to 160 cm, each 5 cm)
✗  Each model available in : 2-, 3-, 4- and 6- blades
✗  Models each 0,5° pitch
✗  Tractor and pusher configurations
✗  Available in both rotation senses : CW and CCW
✗  Click here to see : Traction & Torque curves - Pitches of this range

E-PROPS propellers

1- Tightening torque
2- Dismounting
3- Max RPM - Sense of Rotation
4- Max Power
5- Maintenance
6- Data Sheet / Manual

1- Tightening torque

The screws tightening must be done with a torque wrench; torque value depending on the screws :
Screws 6 mm = 8 N.m
Screws 8 mm = 16 N.m

2- Dismounting

Fixed-pitch propellers can be dismantled, into 2 blades for 2-blade models, or into 3 blades for 3-blade models, etc...
It's practical for transport and storage, and in the event of impact on a blade, it can be replaced without changing the whole propeller.


3- Max RPM - Sense of Rotation

The maximum rotational speed (at the propeller = maximum engine speed / reduction ratio) depends on the propeller diameter, the number of blades and the blade pitch adopted.
It is indicated on the Traction / Torque curves of this range

The rotation sense of a propeller is always defined seen in the wind made by the propeller :
- clockwise sense (CW)
- counterclockwise sense (CCW)

4- Max power

The maximum power the propeller can absorb depends on each propeller model.
It is indicated on the Traction / Torque curves of this range

Warning: on electric motors, the maximum rpm of the motor very often depends on the battery voltage.
The maximum power reduces the battery voltage and therefore the maximum rpm.
This data must be taken into account to define the desired propeller model on the curves.

5- Maintenance

Maintenance is simple :
- Before each flight: visual inspection of the propeller (particularly check the leading edge) and check the screws tightening.
- Every 50 hours of flight or every 3 months : check of the screws tightening.
Cleaning of a carbon propeller is made with a sponge, with some water with soap, or with a product for windows cleaning.

6- Data Sheet / Manual

Propellers are not accessories. Before assembly and use, read and follow Manuals & Instructions.

E-Props fixed pitch propellers : DATA SHEET / MANUAL

Fixed Props for engines 7-50 kW dia 45 to 63 inch
Adjustable Props for engines 50-168 kW dia 47 to 82 inch