The E-PROPS Company
195, Route de l'Aviation
ZI Aérodrome de Sisteron
04200 VAUMEILH - France

The best way to contact our team is by email:

Propellers Design - LUKY Software - Moment of Inertia - Performance - Quality

The E-PROPS design office is headed by Jérémie Buiatti.
It currently employs 18 aeronautical engineers and technicians. , who carry out theoretical calculations, modeling and prototype development, followed by ground and flight tests.
Jérémie Buiatti developed the LUKY software specifically for designing innovative, high-performance propellers, and masters all the technical aspects involved in developing high-performance propellers.

1 - E-Props LUKY software
2 - Propellers design / Tests / Theory / Moment of inertia
3 - E-Props: Efficiency / Lightness / Noise reduction
4 - Quality at E-Props: ATSM F2506-13, EASA certification

1 - E-Props LUKY software

Profiles optimization using Artificial Intelligence

LUKY software models the behavior of an E-Props propeller on a given engine, from an aerodynamic and mechanical point of view, including vibration analysis and service life calculation.
It enables the E-Props design office to develop blade profiles adapted to each aircraft - engine - application.

=> See description here: LUKY SOFTWARE
eprops software luky
LUKY software

This software is a model of the type lifting line for the speed of execution, in order to allow the exploration of the domain of possible propellers with the help of an evolutionary algorithm (metaheuristic), in order to automate the search for propeller solutions (mechanical and aerodynamic dimensioning) for a given problem.
Thousands of hours of code and tests by highly specialized engineers were required to develop this software.

==> LUKY represents an exceptional step forward in the development of equally exceptional propellers.

2 - Propellers design / Tests / Theory / Moment of inertia

E-PROPS propellers are designed to offer the best possible performance, while being both ultra-light and extremely strong.

✗  To understand how a propeller works, it's essential to understand the laws of experimental physics.

✗  The propeller optimization method is a complex iterative process.
=> See description here: E-PROPS PROPELLERS DESIGN

✗  Propeller testing is essential to validate calculations and models, and to compare performance with other propellers.
=> See description here: E-PROPS TESTS

✗  Propellers comparative tests in flight : a very interesting and complex exercise.

✗  Moment of inertia [MOI] is a very important parameter for propellers.
=> See explanations here: PROPELLERS & MOMENT OF INERTIA

3 - E-Props: Efficiency / Lightness / Noise reduction

✗  E-Props : exceptionally efficient propellers
E-Props propellers have very special profiles and specific designs to reduce blade drag, and thus achieve the best possible thrust.
=> See description here: E-PROPS EFFICIENCY

✗  E-Props : ultra-light propellers
E-Props are the world's lightest propellers.
- 2-blade diameter 125 cm = 420 g
- 3-blade diameter 130 cm = 780 g
- 4-blade diameter 130 cm = 1120 g
- 6-blade diameter 160 cm = 2080 g
That is 30 to 60 % less than other composite propellers on the market.
To understand why these propellers are ultra-light, and why the lightness of this equipment is essential:
=> See explanations here: E-PROPS: ULTRA-LIGHT PROPELLERS

✗  E-Props : noise reduction
Since 2008, the E-Props team has been carrying out in-depth research into propeller noise and how to minimize it.
=> See description here: PROPELLER NOISE REDUCTION

4 - Quality at E-Props: ATSM F2506-13, EASA certification

The E-Props propellers are designed, manufactured and tested to meet the requirements of the aeronautical standards.
Quality and safety are ongoing concerns for the E-PROPS company, throughout the design, procurement, manufacturing, testing and marketing of all its products.

eprops quality system
The E-PROPS propellers (DURANDAL & EXCALIBUR ranges) meet the ASTM F2506-13 standards.

The ASTM F2506-13 specification covers the establishment of the minimum requirements for the design, testing, and quality assurance of fixed-pitch or ground adjustable propellers for Aviation. Strength testing, stress measurement, fatigue strength, and fatigue analysis, endurance testing, and teardown inspection shall be performed to meet the requirements prescribed.

E-PROPS has also initiated the following procedures:
- with French DGAC, application for a Production Organization Approval (POA) according to EASA Part 21 subpart G
- with EASA, application for Type Certificates for some E-Props models suitable for use on certified aircraft . One range is already certified, following CS-22J standards.
Work is in progress with the certification agencies.

E-Props propellers EASA certification

Fixed Props for engines 7-50 kW dia 45 to 63 inch
Adjustable Props for engines 50-168 kW dia 47 to 82 inch