The E-PROPS Company
195, Route de l'Aviation
ZI Aérodrome de Sisteron
04200 VAUMEILH - France

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E-PROPS : Fixed Pitch Propellers for engines 7-50 kW dia 45 to 63 inch

How to choose an E-Props fixed pitch propeller for drone ?

Basic formulas

formula power

E-Props fixed pitch propellers for electric motors

1/ If the electric motor has not already been chosen
- The mass of the drone is known, so the maximum traction required is known.
- In the E-Props catalog, there are many fixed pitch propellers that allow to obtain this max traction, but not all with the same torque requirement.

2/ If the electric motor has already been chosen
- The motor has a maximum torque (defined by the electric motor + controller + battery) and a rotation speed at which it is possible to have this maximum torque.
- So at a given point "max torque - max rpm" [i.e. = max power], we are looking for a propeller which, at this max torque and this max rpm, will give the necessary traction.
- If you need less traction, then you can choose a propeller that absorbs less torque, and in this case, the engine will consume less.

example of thrust and torque curves
here 14 different blade geometries of 115 cm diameter

==> Click here to see : TRACTION & TORQUE CURVES - PITCHES of this range


Our calculators may help you to define some parameters : thrust, torque, peripheral Mach, flying autonomy...

==> Click here : CALCULATORS

Fixed Props for engines 7-50 kW dia 45 to 63 inch
Adjustable Props for engines 50-168 kW dia 47 to 82 inch