The E-PROPS Company
195, Route de l'Aviation
ZI Aérodrome de Sisteron
04200 VAUMEILH - France

The best way to contact our team is by email:

E-PROPS : quality, EASA certification, ASTM F2506-13

The E-Props propellers are designed, manufactured and tested to meet the requirements of the aeronautical standards.
Quality and safety are ongoing concerns for the E-PROPS company, throughout the design, procurement, manufacturing, testing and marketing of all its products.
eprops quality system
2- ASTM F2506-13 (LSA)


At the end of 2021, E-PROPS has initiated the following procedures:
- with French DGAC, application for a Production Organization Approval (POA) according to EASA Part 21 subpart G
- with EASA, application for Type Certificates for some E-Props models suitable for use on certified aircraft
Work is in progress with the certification agencies.

E-Props propellers EASA certification

2- ASTM F2506-13 (LSA)

The E-PROPS propellers (DURANDAL & EXCALIBUR ranges) meet the ASTM F2506-13 standards, for the Light Sport Aircraft (LSA).

The ASTM F2506-13 specification covers the establishment of the minimum requirements for the design, testing, and quality assurance of fixed-pitch or ground adjustable propellers for Light Sport Aircraft. Strength testing, stress measurement, fatigue strength, and fatigue analysis, endurance testing, and teardown inspection shall be performed to meet the requirements prescribed.

Fixed Props for engines 7-50 kW dia 45 to 63 inch
Adjustable Props for engines 50-168 kW dia 47 to 82 inch