The E-PROPS Company
195, Route de l'Aviation
ZI Aérodrome de Sisteron
04200 VAUMEILH - France

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E-PROPS: the lightest propellers in the world

E-PROPS propellers are by far the lightest propellers available on the market.
Let's take a look here at why they are the lightest and what are the advantages of ultra-light propellers.


1- Why the E-PROPS are the lightest propellers ?

1.1 - Because of their design
The E-PROPS team is always working to propose very light products, because in aviation, mass is the bigger enemy.
From the beginning of the propeller design to the final finish, including all manufacturing process, every step has been thought to save weight as far as possible by the E-PROPS team.
Everything starts with DESIGN. A well-kept and well-thought design of the parts makes possible to save mass significantly.

1.2 - Because of their materials
The E-PROPS are made in carbon braid, with continue fibers between upper and lower surfaces of the blade (very high resistance).
The carbon presents by far the best compromise rigidity / weight. E-PROPS parts have a very high carbon fibers ratio (63%).
The epoxy resin is the resin preferred in aeronautics.
The E-PROPS are made with only carbon braid and epoxy resin : no fiberglass, no mixture of materials.
The shielding is made in Titanium, which is twice as light as Steel or Inconel.

1.3 - Because of their manufacturing process
The E-PROPS parts are injected with the RTM process (Resin Transfer Molding), which allows to save epoxy resin, while staying very strong.
This process is used by some major companies as AIRBUS or BOEING, in order to reduce the weight of airliners structural parts, while keeping a high strength.
RTM requires large investments, then it is very efficient to produce ultra-light parts, and allows to have a big production capacity.

1.4 - Because of their finish
E-PROPS propellers are polished : it is the lightest solution and the blades stay shiny during their all life.
They do not have a heavy gel-coat layer or paint coat, as many competitors props, which could shines when they are new, but which ages very quickly.
A gel-coat layer can add more than 400 gr on a 3-blade 170 cm diameter propeller, et cannot be repaired once damaged.
Furthermore, E-PROPS has chosen to produce propellers with the smallest possible impact on the environment : no varnish, no paint, no gel-coat.

The E-PROPS team considers that it is essential to design and produce aeronautical equipment that is as light as possible, not for communication or regulatory reasons, but simply to respect the laws of physics.

2- Advantages of a light propeller

2.1 - First of all, in aviation, any weight savings are important. This is particularly true for Drones & UAV.

2.2 - Then, the light propellers allow a better functioning of the engine :
- better performances of the engine on the whole RPM range
- better linearity of the engine RPM
- smoother starting and shutdown
- much less constraints on the reducer [a]
- less vibrations due to the propeller

[a] A light propeller allows to respect the maximal value of the MOMENT of INERTIA of the engine.
Using of a propeller with a moment of inertia upper to the values indicated by the engines manufacturers is going to decrease of the longevity, even to break the reducer or the screws of the propeller.

2.3 - Next, a low moment of inertia also makes the propeller more reactive :
  - this allows a direct and enjoyable piloting, without strength, without gap between pressing the accelerator and the increase of RPM.
  - the propeller stops very fast : that is fewer risks of break in case of shock in the propeller. Less stored kinetic energy = fewer damages in case of impact.

2.4 - Finally, a lightest propeller would increase fuel endurance and safety.
For example, a weight gain of 4 kg (common !) = 5,6 liters of fuel, which allows to fly 50 km more with an aircraft with a Rotax 912 (consumption of 16 l/h).
A significant gain.

magic spiral
the concept of the "magic spiral" shows the importance of having a light structure and light equipment

Fixed Props for engines 7-50 kW dia 45 to 63 inch
Adjustable Props for engines 50-168 kW dia 47 to 82 inch