The E-PROPS Company
195, Route de l'Aviation
ZI Aérodrome de Sisteron
04200 VAUMEILH - France

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E-PROPS : Fixed Pitch Propellers for engines 7-50 kW dia 45 to 63 inch. Traction & Torque Curves / Pitches

E-PROPS propellers

Traction & Torque Curves

By clicking on the red button "CURVES" below, a PDF file will display the thrust and torque curves for each of the 528 E-Props fixed pitch propeller blade geometries.

click here to open PDF files

Fixed pitch propellers : settings / pitches

For each model, the following documents provide details :
    - reference
    - diameter
    - weight in grams
    - setting at 75% in degrees
    - pitch at 75% in cemtimeters

✗  E-Props 2-blade fixed pitch models
✗  E-Props 3-blade fixed pitch models
✗  E-Props 4-blade fixed pitch models
✗  E-Props 6-blade fixed pitch models

E-Props fixed pitch models : references

Please note that the reference of the propellers do not give any indication on the pitch of the E-Props propellers.
The numbers : 32 / 33 / 34 / 35 / 52 / 53 / 54 / 55 / 72 / 73 / 74 / 75 / 76 / 77... are only internal E-Props reference (ref of the molds / tools).
"T" is for Three-blade
"Q" is for Quadri-blade
"H" is for Hexa-blade
"No letter" is for a 2-blade model.

E-PROPS propellers

Fixed Props for engines 7-50 kW dia 45 to 63 inch
Adjustable Props for engines 50-168 kW dia 47 to 82 inch